Services Committee Terms of Reference
March 2021
7 Members
Quorum: 3
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Power to maintain land for open spaces, Public Health Act 1875, S164 Open Spaces Act 1906 S9 and 10 |
2 | Power to acquire land for or to provide public walks, pleasure ground to manage and control them. Power to provide gymnasiums, playing fields and boating pools; Local Government Act 1972, Sch 14; Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890, S44, Local Government (Miscellaneous Provision) Act S19; Public Health Act 1961, S54. |
3 | Management and Enhancement of Parks, Playing Fields, Play Areas and public open spaces |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Power to provide and maintain bus shelters, LGA 1953 S4. |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Power to provide public clocks, Parish Councils Act 1957, S2 |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | To provide allotment, improve land and let rights under S23, 26 and 42 of the Smallholdings and Allotments Act 1908 |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Power to provide baths and wash-houses under S 221, 222, 223 and 227 of public Health Act 1936. |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 |
Power to acquire and maintain; power to provide; power to agree to maintain monuments and memorials under Open Spaces Act 1906. S9 and 10; LGA 1972, S214; Parish Councils and Burial Authorities (misc Provisions) Act 1970 S1. |
Acquisition and provision reserved for Council.
2 | Power to contribute toward expenses of cemeteries, LGS 1972, S214. | Grants to Finance Committee |
3 | Power for maintenance of closed church yards LGA 1972, S215 |
4 | Power to provide mortuaries, Public Health Act 1936, S198 |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Power to provide and encourage the use of conference facilities, LGA 1972, S144. |
2 | Power to provide and equip community centres for use of clubs having athletic, social or recreational objectives, LGA (Misc provisions) Act 1976 S19 |
3 | Power to provide public buildings and halls. LGA 1972, S215 |
4 | Power to provide Markets, Royal Charter |
5 | Setting of all fees and charges |
Committee |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Power to provide entertainment and support of the arts, LGA 1972, S145 |
2 | Power to promote lotteries, Lotteries and Amusements Act 1976, S7 |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Provision of litter receptacles, Litter Act 1983, S5 and 6 |
2 | Provision and maintenance of street furniture and signs. |
3 | Matters relating to street cleaning, litter, fly posting. |
4 | Management of Town Centre Operational Support |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Power to maintain footpaths and bridleways | Committee within Council Policy |
2 | Power to light roads and public places | Committee within Council Policy |
3 | Powers to provide parking places for vehicles and cycles | Committee within Council Policy |
4 | Power to enter into agreement as to dedication and widening. | Committee within Council Policy |
5 | Power to provide roadside seats and shelters | Committee |
6 | Power to contribute financially to traffic calming schemes, Highways Act 1980, S274A | Committee within budget and Council policy. |
7 | Power to provide traffic signs and other objects or devices warning or danger | Committee |
8 | Power to plant trees and lay grass verges and to maintain them | Committee |
9 | Powers relating to car sharing scheme, taxi fare concessions and information about transport; LGA and Rating Act 1997 S26,28 and 29. | Committee under the direction of Council. |
10 | Improve off street parking on on-street parking enforcement | Committee under the direction of Council |
11 | To support approved community transport schemes |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | To manage, preserve and promote the use of the Town’s heritage and ancient records. |
2 | To manage and preserve the Town’s artefacts and treasures. |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 |
To promote the social wellbeing of the Town and power of general competence. |
Committee within policy and budget. |
2 |
To support the development of the Borough Community Plan and Local Strategic Partnership |
Committee within policy and budget. |
3 | To facilitate and support local community and voluntary organisations. |
Grants to Finance Committee |
4 |
To maximise the benefit to the Town of external funding directly or in partnership. |
Promotions and other support to Committee/Town Clerk in accordance with policy. |
5 |
To promote social inclusion with the communities. |
Committee within policy and budget |
6 |
To promote Fair Trade in the Town and Town Centre Management. |
Committee |
7 | To lead on market town initiatives |
Committee within policy and budget |
8 |
To agree project funding applications. |
Committee |
9 | To agree project funding, subject to the presentation of an acceptable business case. |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 |
Power to install and maintain equipment for detection and prevention of crime, Local Government and Rating Act 1997, S31. |
2 |
To support initiatives of the Community Safety Partnership. |
Committee/Town Clerk in accordance with Council direction. |
3 |
To lobby for road safety improvement schemes. |
Committee |
4 |
To liaise with the Police Authority and Constabulary. |
5 | To manage the PCSO SLA |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 |
To promote the environmental wellbeing of the Town. |
Committee within policy and budget. |
2 | Conservations of the built and natural environment. |
3 | Power to maintain, repair, protect and alter War Memorials (local authorities powers) Act 1923, S11 as extended by the LGA 1948 S133. |
4 | To deal with issues involving ancient monuments and areas of archaeological interest. |
5 | To promote floral and planting initiatives. |
Committee within policy and budget |
6 | To protect and preserve local heritage |
Committee within policy and budget |
7 | To approve and action Environmental audits. |
8 | To promote environmental awareness. | Committee to approve programme within budget |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Power to provide public conveniences, Public Health Act 1936, S87. |
2 | Power to utilise well, spring or stream to provide facilities for water supply. Public Health Act 1936, S125 |
3 | Power to deal with ponds and ditches. Public Health Act 1936, S260 |
Power to Committee |
4 | To liaise with the relevant authorities in cases on public health/environmental nuisance, drainage matter, pollution, animal welfare issues. |
5 | To make observations on any public health/environmental licence or registration application (other than under the Licensing Act) | Committee |
6 | Waste and Recycling |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | To work with partner organisations to improve the health of people in the Town. |
2 | To improve access to services which can contribute to health. |
3 | To promote healthy living |
4 | Contribute to the development of and coordination of NHS services. |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | Support for public and community services | Committee within policy and budget |
2 | Coordinate the involvement of young people in decision making. | Committee within policy and budget |
3 | Support to young people in their communities. | Committee within policy and budget |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 |
To lobby for sufficient variety housing |
Committee within policy and budget |
2 | To support home safety initiatives in the Town. | Committee within policy and budget |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | To promote the economic wellbeing of the Town through partnership with the business and community sectors. | Committee within policy and budget |
2 | To promote tourism within the Town. | Committee within policy and budget |
3 | Power to encourage visitors and provide conference and other facilities. | Committee within policy and budget |
4 | To promote regeneration in the Town. | Committee within policy and budget |
5 | To lobby for sufficient high quality employment sites in the Town and support initiatives promoting inward investment. | Committee in conjunction with planning committee. |
6 | To support skills and training for local businesses. | Committee within policy and budget |
7 | Provision, directly or indirectly, of Christmas Lights. |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 | To assist in the preparation and implementation of Emergency Plans of the Borough Council. |
Number |
Function of Planning Committee |
Delegation of function |
1 |
To approve and deliver environmental and community projects. |
Definition of Strategic Overview
That part of an initiative or service which is considered necessary to define Policy and Budget.
Definition of Operational Management
That part of the service which is considered necessary in the delivery of an initiative or service which is within Policy and Budget.