Macclesfield Town Council
Planning Committee Agenda 30th July 2021
Agenda for the meeting to be held on 30th July 2021 at 10am in Macclesfield Town Hall.
If you would like to attend the meeting please contact the Town Clerk, as due to Covid -19 restrictions there are a limited number of public spaces.
1 Apologies for Absence
To receive apologies for absence.
2 Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting.
3 Public Participation
The meeting will be adjourned to invite public comments and questions. Following which the meeting will be reconvened.
If you would like to speak during public session, please email [email protected] by 12 noon on 28/07/21. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.
If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to [email protected] by 12 noon on 28/07/21.
4 Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 2nd July 2021
Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting
5 Matters Arising from the Minutes
Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes
6 Observations on Planning Applications
The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting and any delays in responses as they relate to all applications with response closing dates before the date of this meeting.
The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.
Application No: 21/2712M
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for internal alterations
Location: 8, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BA
Application No: 21/3385M
Proposal: Variation of Condition 2-plans on 20/1018M – Revision to 3no apartment layouts including revision to shop front to allow direct access off Mill Street.
Location: 72, Mill Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6NH
Application No: 21/3032M
Proposal: Prior application for a larger home extension extending 6 metres beyong the rear wall, maximum height of 3.85 metres and eaves height 3.15 metres.
Location: 24, Orme Crescent, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2HS
Application No: 21/3429M
Proposal: Installation of 8No. electric vehicle charging bays with associated 4No. electric vehicle charging posts together with connected remotely sited associated electrical support apparatus.
Location: Land North Of Junction To, Black Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire
Application No: 21/3545M
Proposal: Proposed double storey side extension
Location: 163, Chester Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8QA
Application No: 21/3548M
Proposal: Proposed Bedroom Extension Over Existing Garage
Location: Hill Top Farm, 51, Pexhill Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 9QA
Application No: 21/3390M
Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension to reposition and form a larger kitchen with larder, dining and snug area and internal alterations to ground floor to replace the existing kitchen/ dining area with a bedroom and shower room and first floor alterations to combine two bedrooms to form one larger bedroom.
Location: 51, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7ED
Application No: 21/2776M
Proposal: Change of use from commercial to residential
Location: 85, Chester Road, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8DL
Application No: 21/3521M
Proposal: Side extension of two storeys.
Location: 48, Kenilworth Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8UX
Application No: 21/3533M
Proposal: single storey rear extension and garage conversion
Location: 10, Penrith Avenue, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8PP
Application No: 21/3570M
Proposal: Proposed Single Storey infill Extension
Location: 51, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, SK10 1AU
Application No: 21/3607M
Proposal: Single storey side and front extension and drop kerb
Location: 28, Dalesford Crescent, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3LF
Application No: 21/3587M
Proposal: Two storey side and single storey rear extensions and front porch replacement (resub of 21/0242M)
Location: 10, West Bank Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3BT
Application No: 21/3672M
Proposal: Single Storey Rear Extension
Location: 12, Eddisbury Terrace, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7EY
Application No: 21/3609M
Proposal: Single storey rear extension.
Location: 18, Appledale, Macclesfield, SK10 2GT
Application No: 21/3673M
Proposal: Prior determination of proposed upgrade to existing Telecommunications Equipment
Location: British Telecom, Jordangate, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2AG
Application No: 21/3631M
Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use from offices to dwellings
Location: 1, Silk House, Park Green, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, CHESHIRE, SK11 7QJ
Application No: 21/3678M
Proposal: Advertisement consent for Display of 7 internally illuminated fascia signs
Location: Central Garage, Waters Green, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6JS
Application No: 21/3693M
Proposal: Erection of two storey side extension
Location: The Hollins, 262, Black Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7JY
Application No: 21/3685M
Proposal: Proposed Single Storey Side & Rear Extension & Alterations
Location: 11, Knowsley Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8AP
Application No: 21/3755M
Proposal: Proposed two storey rear extension and internal alterations.
Location: 17, Grange Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8AU
Application No: 21/3750M
Proposal: 2 storey side extension
Location: 174, Oxford Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8JZ
Application No: 21/3801M
Proposal: Demolition of an existing rear lean-to extension and timber frame conservatory. Proposed rear single-storey ground floor extension.
Location: Half Mile Farmhouse, 170, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3BS
Application No: 21/3745M
Proposal: Proposed Two Storey Rear Extension & Alterations
Location: 15, Gritstone Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 3SF
Application No: 21/3793M
Proposal: Prior Approval for Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension, extending 5.45m beyond the rear wall, max height of 3.43m, and eaves height of 2.37m.
Location: 26, Beverley Way, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2WP
Application No: 21/3815M
Proposal: Single Storey Rear Extension and minor alterations to front porch.
Location: 157, Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8EH
Application No: 21/3316M
Proposal: Construction of a Garden Room/ Gym at the bottom of the garden.
Location: 3, Eden Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1QA
Application No: 21/3784M
Proposal: Single storey rear extension forming garden room
Location: 4, Oak Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 7UN
Application No: 21/3738M
Proposal: Installation of an air-source heat pump.
Location: 32, Wentworth Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8TF
Application No: 21/3864M
Proposal: Proposed upper floor rear dormer extension and ground floor side and rear extension
Location: 35, Tytherington Lane, Macclesfield, SK10 2JS
Application No: 21/3834M
Proposal: Proposed first floor extension over existing garage with a single storey extension to the rear.
Location: 7, Carnoustie Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2TB
Application No: 20/3501M
Proposal: 3 No Proposed domestic garages.
Location: Land Off, Back Paradise Street, Macclesfield
Application No: 21/3816M
Proposal: Listed building consent for the reversal of 1980’s alterations including removal of basement stairs (installed in 1980’s), reinstatement of ground floor central spine corridor by removal of walls inserted in 1980’s, refubishment of wc areas to ground and first floor including first floor stores and kitchen area, removal of ground floor wall (inserted in 1980’s) and replace with glazed screen on line of original wall, new glazed fire screens and doors to corridors to replace previously approved temporary doors, form new external door to rear elevation, form new opening at first floor.
Location: Macclesfield Sunday School, The Heritage Centre, Roe Street, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, SK11 6UT
Application No: 21/3869M
Proposal: Installation of air-source heat pump
Location: 23, Wentworth Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8TF
Application No: 21/3492M
Proposal: 3 storey side and rear extension and extension of raised patio.
Location: 140, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7EF
Application No: 21/3932M
Proposal: Retrospective application for Change of Use of land to garden
Location: Land adjacent 25, College Court, Macclesfield, SK11 8HN
Application No: 20/4314M
Location: Land Off, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield
Proposal: Appeal – Construction of one dwelling and associated works
7 Conservation Area Review
Action: To note the report and any further updates.
8 Town Character Assessment
Action: To note the report and any further updates.
9 Streetnaming
Action: To consider names for five streets off Chelford Road, Macclesfield
10 Correspondence
10.1 CEC Allocations and Development Policies Document (SADPD) Examination
Action: To note the correspondence.
10.2 Civic Society – 21/0903M, 90 Tytherington Drive
Action: To note the correspondence.
10.3 Civic Society – 21/1080W, waste recycling facility at Withyfold Drive
Action: To note the correspondence.
11 Member Items
11.1 Cllr Hutchison
To update the committee on the King’s Cumberland Street planning application 19/1069M as discussed by the CEC Strategic Planning Board on 14/07/21.
12 Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 20th August 2021 10am, in Macclesfield Town Hall (to be confirmed).
Macclesfield Town Council
Planning Committee Minutes 30th July 2021
Minutes of the meeting held on on 30th July 2021 at 10am in Macclesfield Town Hall.
In attendance:
- Cllr Mike Hutchison
- Cllr David Edwardes
- Cllr Fiona Wilson
- Cllr Janet Jackson MBE
1. Apologies for Absence
Cllr Sandy Livingstone
Cllr Lloyd Roberts
2. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Edwardes declared predetermination in planning application 21/2712M and left the room when application 21/2712M was discussed.
Cllr Edwardes declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application 21/3793M as the applicant is known to him.
Cllr Jackson MBE declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application 21/3816M as she is a trustee of the museum.
Cllr Hutchison declared a non-pecuniary interest in planning application 21/3693M as the applicant is known to him.
3. Public Participation
The meeting will be adjourned to invite public comments and questions. Following which the meeting will be reconvened.
Ruth Thompson spoke on the protection of local green spaces in Macclesfield and that designated Local Green Spaces are afforded protection equivalent to Green Belt land, as documented in the National Planning Policy Framework.
Local Green spaces are special to the community e.g. have a particular local significance because of their beauty, historic value, recreational value or tranquillity.
The designation of Local Green Spaces is through local and neighbourhood plans.
The Cheshire East SADPD is with the planning inspector for examination and this would be an opportunity to seek the designation and protection of Macclesfield’s Local Green Spaces.
Cllr Wilson advised that Macclesfield Town Council will be looking at green spaces as part of the development of the town’s Character Assessment and that the aim is for it to be a strategic planning document.
4. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 2nd July 2021
RESOLVED: That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Item 8 from minutes of meeting 02/07/21 – Cllr Wilson advised the committee that ward councillors had attended a briefing by Cheshire East Council on the proposed Flowerpot junction improvements and had raised the same issues as observed at the planning committee meeting on 02/07/21. At that briefing it was also raised that the junction was used by many children on the way to and from school.
6. Observations on Planning Applications
The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting and any delays in responses as they relate to all applications with response closing dates before the date of this meeting.
The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.
Application No: 21/2712M
Proposal: Listed Building Consent for internal alterations
Location: 8, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BA
Cllr Edwardes left the room before this application was discussed.
The committee noted this was a listed building consent application and that the CEC Conservation Officer has no objections.
The committee raised no objections but sought that:
- The Planning Officer checks a change of use application is not required,
- The Planning Officer assesses the impact of loss of amenities on the residents such as noise and fumes as a result of the courtyard pagoda.
Application No: 21/3385M
Proposal: Variation of Condition 2-plans on 20/1018M – Revision to 3no apartment layouts including revision to shop front to allow direct access off Mill Street.
Location: 72, Mill Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6NH
Cllr Edwardes returned to the room for this item and the remainder of the agenda.
No objections.
Application No: 21/3032M
Proposal: Prior application for a larger home extension extending 6 metres beyong the rear wall, maximum height of 3.85 metres and eaves height 3.15 metres.
Location: 24, Orme Crescent, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2HS
No objections.
Application No: 21/3429M
Proposal: Installation of 8No. electric vehicle charging bays with associated 4No. electric vehicle charging posts together with connected remotely sited associated electrical support apparatus.
Location: Land North Of Junction To, Black Lane, Macclesfield, Cheshire
The committee raised no objections but noted the applicant needs to consider the potential limitations in infrastructure in Macclesfield.
Application No: 21/3545M
Proposal: Proposed double storey side extension
Location: 163, Chester Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8QA
No objections.
Application No: 21/3548M
Proposal: Proposed Bedroom Extension Over Existing Garage
Location: Hill Top Farm, 51, Pexhill Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 9QA
No objections.
Application No: 21/3390M
Proposal: Proposed single storey rear extension to reposition and form a larger kitchen with larder, dining and snug area and internal alterations to ground floor to replace the existing kitchen/ dining area with a bedroom and shower room and first floor alterations to combine two bedrooms to form one larger bedroom.
Location: 51, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7ED
No objections.
Application No: 21/2776M
Proposal: Change of use from commercial to residential
Location: 85, Chester Road, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8DL
The committee raised no objections in principle but noted there is no detail on the internal plans.
The committee sought the Planning Officer requests information on the internal layout and provision for storage of waste.
Application No: 21/3521M
Proposal: Side extension of two storeys.
Location: 48, Kenilworth Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8UX
No objections.
Application No: 21/3533M
Proposal: single storey rear extension and garage conversion
Location: 10, Penrith Avenue, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8PP
The committee raised no objections but sought reassurance that there is sufficient sound proofing to limit the noise impact on the neighbouring property.
Application No: 21/3570M
Proposal: Proposed Single Storey infill Extension
Location: 51, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, SK10 1AU
No objections.
Application No: 21/3607M
Proposal: Single storey side and front extension and drop kerb
Location: 28, Dalesford Crescent, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3LF
No objections.
Application No: 21/3587M
Proposal: Two storey side and single storey rear extensions and front porch replacement (resub of 21/0242M)
Location: 10, West Bank Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3BT
No objections.
Application No: 21/3672M
Proposal: Single Storey Rear Extension
Location: 12, Eddisbury Terrace, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7EY
No objections.
Application No: 21/3609M
Proposal: Single storey rear extension.
Location: 18, Appledale, Macclesfield, SK10 2GT
No objections.
Application No: 21/3673M
Proposal: Prior determination of proposed upgrade to existing Telecommunications Equipment
Location: British Telecom, Jordangate, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2AG
No objections.
Application No: 21/3631M
Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use from offices to dwellings
Location: 1, Silk House, Park Green, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, CHESHIRE, SK11 7QJ
The committee raised no objections subject to the implementation of the noise mitigation measures as documented in the noise assessment report.
Application No: 21/3678M
Proposal: Advertisement consent for Display of 7 internally illuminated fascia signs
Location: Central Garage, Waters Green, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6JS
The committee raised no objections and noted the new signage is an improvement on the current signage.
Application No: 21/3693M
Proposal: Erection of two storey side extension
Location: The Hollins, 262, Black Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7JY
No objections.
Application No: 21/3685M
Proposal: Proposed Single Storey Side & Rear Extension & Alterations
Location: 11, Knowsley Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8AP
No objections.
Application No: 21/3755M
Proposal: Proposed two storey rear extension and internal alterations.
Location: 17, Grange Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8AU
No objections.
Application No: 21/3750M
Proposal: 2 storey side extension
Location: 174, Oxford Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8JZ
No objections.
Application No: 21/3801M
Proposal: Demolition of an existing rear lean-to extension and timber frame conservatory. Proposed rear single-storey ground floor extension.
Location: Half Mile Farmhouse, 170, Prestbury Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3BS
No objections.
Application No: 21/3745M
Proposal: Proposed Two Storey Rear Extension & Alterations
Location: 15, Gritstone Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 3SF
The committee was unable to fully consider this application as not all the documents were accessible. The Cheshire East Council Planning department was contacted prior to the meeting but the issue has yet to be resolved.
Application No: 21/3793M
Proposal: Prior Approval for Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension, extending 5.45m beyond the rear wall, max height of 3.43m, and eaves height of 2.37m.
Location: 26, Beverley Way, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2WP
No objections.
Application No: 21/3815M
Proposal: Single Storey Rear Extension and minor alterations to front porch.
Location: 157, Crompton Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8EH
No objections.
Application No: 21/3316M
Proposal: Construction of a Garden Room/ Gym at the bottom of the garden.
Location: 3, Eden Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1QA
No objections.
Application No: 21/3784M
Proposal: Single storey rear extension forming garden room
Location: 4, Oak Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 7UN
No objections.
Application No: 21/3738M
Proposal: Installation of an air-source heat pump.
Location: 32, Wentworth Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8TF
The committee support this application and noted, contrary to the environmental health report, the noise levels are documented in the Valliant brochure.
Application No: 21/3864M
Proposal: Proposed upper floor rear dormer extension and ground floor side and rear extension
Location: 35, Tytherington Lane, Macclesfield, SK10 2JS
No objections.
Application No: 21/3834M
Proposal: Proposed first floor extension over existing garage with a single storey extension to the rear.
Location: 7, Carnoustie Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2TB
No objections.
Application No: 20/3501M
Proposal: 3 No Proposed domestic garages.
Location: Land Off, Back Paradise Street, Macclesfield
RESOLVED: That the committee objects to this application on the grounds of:
- Over-development,
- Inadequate vehicular access to the proposed development.
The committee noted that there is little or no change in the revised plans and that it had previously not supported the application.
Application No: 21/3816M
Proposal: Listed building consent for the reversal of 1980’s alterations including removal of basement stairs (installed in 1980’s), reinstatement of ground floor central spine corridor by removal of walls inserted in 1980’s, refubishment of wc areas to ground and first floor including first floor stores and kitchen area, removal of ground floor wall (inserted in 1980’s) and replace with glazed screen on line of original wall, new glazed fire screens and doors to corridors to replace previously approved temporary doors, form new external door to rear elevation, form new opening at first floor.
Location: Macclesfield Sunday School, The Heritage Centre, Roe Street, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, SK11 6UT
The committee raised no objections, noting the CEC Conservation Officer has no objections and that the changes will improve access to the building.
Application No: 21/3869M
Proposal: Installation of air-source heat pump
Location: 23, Wentworth Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8TF
The committee support this application and noted the environmental benefits.
Application No: 21/3492M
Proposal: 3 storey side and rear extension and extension of raised patio.
Location: 140, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7EF
No objections.
Application No: 21/3932M
Proposal: Retrospective application for Change of Use of land to garden
Location: Land adjacent 25, College Court, Macclesfield, SK11 8HN
The committee was unable to fully consider this application as not all the documents were accessible.
The committee sought that the Planning Officer clarifies the land ownership.
Application No: 20/4314M
Location: Land Off, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield
Proposal: Appeal – Construction of one dwelling and associated works
The committee’s observation on this application from the meeting held on 16/10/20 remains unchanged.
7. Conservation Area Review
The report was noted.
8. Town Character Assessment
The report was noted.
9. Streetnaming
The committee sought that the five streets off Chelford Road are named after successful Macclesfield 2021 Olympians. Following completion of the games (8th August), the names of those Olympians will be sent to CEC Address Management.
10. Correspondence
10.1 CEC Allocations and Development Policies Document (SADPD) Examination
The correspondence was noted and that Cllr Wilson would like to attend the hearing.
10.2 Civic Society – 21/0903M, 90 Tytherington Drive
The correspondence was noted and that Macclesfield Town Council had not been notified of the new plans.
10.3 Civic Society – 20/1080W, waste recycling facility at Withyfold Drive
The correspondence was noted and that although the recommendation at the that CEC Strategic Planning Board on 16/06/21 was for refusal, the decision was deferred by the board.
The committee agreed with the Civic Society’s concerns and intends to register to speak at the next Strategic Planning Board where this application is considered.
11. Member Items
11.1 Cllr Hutchison
Cllr Hutchison updated the committee following his attendance at the CEC Strategic Planning Board on 14/07/21 where he spoke in relation to 19/1069M and the failure to notify the National Amenities Societies.
The board accepted the error but voted for the development go ahead.
12. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 20th August 2021 10am, in Macclesfield Town Hall (to be confirmed).
Meeting closed at 11:37am
Chair: Cllr Mike Hutchison
Clerk: Harriet Worrell