Planning Committee
Responds to the planning applications within Macclesfield as a statutory consultee.
Macclesfield Town Council Notice of Meeting
18th October 2023
To: Chair Councillor Mike Hutchison and Councillors James Barber, Sandy Livingstone and Sarah Bennett-Wake.
You are hereby summoned to attend
Macclesfield Town Council’s Planning Committee meeting to be held at:
Macclesfield Library
25th October 2023
commencing at 7pm
for the purpose of transacting the business shown on the attached agenda.
With thanks,
Nicola Mellor
Admin and Governance Manager
Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee Agenda
Agenda of the meeting to be held on Wednesday 25th October 2023 at 7pm at Macclesfield Library.
This meeting is open to the public, but space may be limited. Should you wish to attend please inform the Admin and Governance Manager.
1. Apologies for Absence
To receive apologise for absence
2. Declarations of Interest
To receive declarations of interests from members relevant to items under discussion at the meeting
3. Public Participation
The meeting will be adjourned to invite public comments and questions. Following which the meeting will be reconvened.
If you would like to speak during the public session, please email
[email protected] by 12 noon on 24/10/23. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.
If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to [email protected] by 12 noon on 24/10/23.
4. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 30th August 2023
Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes
6. Observations on Planning Applications
The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting, and any delays in responses have been relayed.
The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.
Application No: | 23/3102M |
Proposal: | 1st floor front extension, increase in height of existing roof, new windows and render existing house |
Location: | 335, Oxford Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8JZ
Comments due back by: 20th September Ward: Central |
Application No: | 23/3198M |
Proposal: | Single storey side extension. |
Location: | 14, Thornton Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 7UG
Comments due back by: 15th September Ward: South |
Application No: | 23/3385M |
Proposal: | Proposed new dwelling, formation of a new driveway and landscaping |
Location: | Land Adjacent to 17, Avonside Way, Macclesfield, SK11 8BY
Comments due back by: 2nd October Ward: Central |
Application No: | 23/3588M |
Proposal: | Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension |
Location: | 9, Alison Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1PZ
Comments due back by: 13th October Ward: Hurdsfield |
Application No: | 23/3523M |
Proposal: | Outline application for proposed development of a pair of 3 bed semi detached houses |
Location: | Land opposite 3 & 5, Toll Bar Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 7DE
Comments due back by: 19th October Ward: East |
Application No: | 23/3653M |
Proposal: | Double storey side extension and internal alterations |
Location: | 20, South Park Road, Macclesfield, SK11 6RP
Comments due back by: 19th October Ward: Central |
Application No: | 23/3363M |
Proposal: | Demolition of an existing vacant car garage and the construction of two residential units. |
Location: | 6A, Barton Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6RX
Comments due back by: 11th October Ward: Central |
Application No: | 23/3471M |
Proposal: | Proposed 4th floor extension to form 2no. additional apartments, including new roof terrace. New pergola and hot tub proposed to existing roof terrace |
Location: | Craven House, Lusso Macclesfield Serviced Apartments, Churchill Way, Macclesfield, SK11 6AY
Comments due back by: 18th October Ward: Central |
Application No: | 23/3503M |
Proposal: | Construction Of 2 No. Four Bedroom Detached Houses With Associated Drives And Landscaping. |
Location: | 185A, Whirley Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3JJ
Comments due back by: 18th October Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
Application No: | 23/3625M |
Proposal: | 1st floor side extension, front porch and single storey rear extension |
Location: | 25, Harvest Road, Macclesfield, SK10 2LH
Comments due back by: 25th October Ward: Tytherington |
Application No: | 23/3574M |
Proposal: | Proposed single storey front porch extension |
Location: | 19, Betchworth Way, Macclesfield, SK10 2PA
Comments due back by: 25th October Ward: Tytherington |
Application No: | 23/3553M |
Proposal: | Single storey flat roofed infill extension to rear. |
Location: | 43, Great King Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6PN
Comments due back by: 25th October Ward: Central |
Application No: | 23/3661M |
Proposal: | 1 No 15m Phase 5 Pole with 3 No antennas, 2 No 0.3m dishes and 3 No ground based equipment cabinets and ancillary developments |
Location: | Phone mast, London Road, Macclesfield
Comments due back by: 26th October Ward: South |
Application No: | 23/2885M |
Proposal: | Outline application for the demolition of derelict property and replacement with 4no. Townhouses. |
Location: | 1, Dales Place, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7LN
Comments due back by: 1st November Ward: East |
Application No: | 23/3750M |
Proposal: | Single storey side and rear extension. |
Location: | 182, Oxford Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8JZ
Comments due back by: 25th October Ward: West and Ivy |
Application No: | 23/3702M |
Proposal: | Conversion of existing office building to residential apartments (resubmission of planning application reference 22/1223M) |
Location: | Marburae House, Athey Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6QU
Commenys due back by: 1st November Ward: Central |
Application No: | 23/3714M |
Proposal: | Proposed First Floor Extension to existing rear single storey extension |
Location: | 43, Great King Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6PN
Comments due back by: 26th October Ward: Central |
Application No: | 23/3746M |
Proposal: | Extensions and refurbishment |
Location: | 58, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7ED
Comments due back by: 8th November Ward: East |
Application No: | 23/3010M |
Proposal: | Removal of existing garages and outhouse, replacement garage and two storey rear extension |
Location: | 2, Delamere Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 2PW
Comments due back by: 8th November Ward: Hurdsfield |
Application No: | 23/3760M |
Proposal: | Single storey front and rear extensions, part render existing house |
Location: | 30, Drummond Way, Macclesfield, SK10 4XJ
Comments due back by: 27th October Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
Application No: | 23/3799M |
Proposal: | Single storey rear extension and garage conversion |
Location: | 132, Rugby Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2JF
Comments due back by: 31st October Ward: Tytherington |
7. Glow Up grant applications
7.1 The Clay Tea Rooms
To review and approve Glow Up grant application
To review and approve Glow Up grant application
7.3 Cheshire Cat
To review and approve Glow Up grant application
7.4 Café Mustard
To review and approve Glow Up grant application
7.5 James’ Kitchen
To review and approve Glow Up grant application
7.6 Crompton Road Chippy
To review and approve Glow Up grant application
8. Canal bridge 36
Cllr Mick Warren will give an update on Canal Bridge 36
9. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 15th November 2023 7pm, in Macclesfield Library.
Glow Up Grants report- Agenda Item 7
The Clay Tea Rooms- Application Form- Agenda Item 7.1- Redacted
The Clay Tea Rooms- Quote 1- Agenda Item 7.1
The Clay Tea Rooms- Quote 2- Agenda Item 7.1
Isoana- Application Form- Agenda Item 7.2- Redacted
Isoana- Quote 1- Agenda Item 7.2
Isoana- Quote 2- Agenda Item 7.2
Cheshire Cat- Application Form and Quotes- Agenda Item 7.3- Redacted
Cafe Mustard Application Form- Agenda Item 7.4- Redacted
Cafe Mustard- Quote 1- Agenda Item 7.4
Cafe Mustard- Quote 2- Agenda Item 7.4
James’ Kitchen Application Form- Agenda Item 7.5- Redacted
James’ Kitchen- Digital Munkee quote 1- Agenda Item 7.5
James’ Kitchen- PKS MEDIA SIGNAGE quote 2- Agenda Item 7.5
Crompton Road Chippy Application Form- Agenda Item 7.6- Redacted
Crompton Road Chippy- Hanging Basket quote 1- Agenda Item 7.6
Crompton Road Chippy- Hanging Basket quote 2- Agenda Item 7.6
Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee Minutes
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 25th October 2023 at 7pm at Macclesfield Library.
In attendance
Cllr Mike Hutchison
Cllr Sarah Bennett-Wake
Cllr James Barber
1. Apologies for Absence
Cllr Sandy Livingstone
2. Declarations of Interest
Cllr Sarah Bennett- Wake declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 23/3010M as it is a neighbouring property. She will leave the room when it is being discussed.
3. Public Participation
The meeting will be adjourned to invite public comments and questions.
There was no public participation.
The meeting was reconvened.
4. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting held on 30th August 2023
Resolved: The minutes were approved as a true record of the meeting
5. Matters Arising from the Minutes
Resolved: There were no matters arising from the minutes.
6. Observations on Planning Applications
The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.
Application No: | 23/3102M |
Proposal: | 1st floor front extension, increase in height of existing roof, new windows and render existing house |
Location: | 335, Oxford Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8JZ
Comments due back by: 20th September Ward: Central |
Macclesfield Town Council planning committee would like the planning officer to check Cheshire East Local Plan- Policy HOU12- Amenity relating to:
- Loss of sunlight or daylight,
- Loss of privacy
- The overbearing and dominating effect of new buildings
Application No: | 23/3198M |
Proposal: | Single storey side extension. |
Location: | 14, Thornton Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 7UG
Comments due back by: 15th September Ward: South |
Macclesfield Town Council planning committee would like the planning officer to check Cheshire East Local Plan- Policy HOU12- Amenity relating to:
Loss of sunlight or daylight,
Application No: | 23/3385M |
Proposal: | Proposed new dwelling, formation of a new driveway and landscaping |
Location: | Land Adjacent to 17, Avonside Way, Macclesfield, SK11 8BY
Comments due back by: 2nd October Ward: Central |
Macclesfield Town Council planning committee would like the planning officer to check this isn’t overdevelopment of the piece of land and also ask that the following polices from the Cheshire East Local Plan are checked:
- Policy HOU12- Amenity relating to:
- Loss of sunlight or daylight,
- Traffic generation, access and parking
- Policy HOU13- Residential standards.
Application No: | 23/3588M |
Proposal: | Proposed Single Storey Rear Extension |
Location: | 9, Alison Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 1PZ
Comments due back by: 13th October Ward: Hurdsfield |
No objection
Application No: | 23/3523M |
Proposal: | Outline application for proposed development of a pair of 3 bed semi detached houses |
Location: | Land opposite 3 & 5, Toll Bar Avenue, Macclesfield, SK11 7DE
Comments due back by: 19th October Ward: East |
Macclesfield Town Council planning committee would like the planning officer to check this isn’t overdevelopment of the piece of land and also ask that the following polices from the Cheshire East Local Plan are checked:
- Policy HOU12- Amenity relating to:
- Loss of sunlight or daylight,
- Traffic generation, access and parking
- Policy HOU13- Residential standards.
Application No: | 23/3653M |
Proposal: | Double storey side extension and internal alterations |
Location: | 20, South Park Road, Macclesfield, SK11 6RP
Comments due back by: 19th October Ward: Central |
No objection
Application No: | 23/3363M |
Proposal: | Demolition of an existing vacant car garage and the construction of two residential units. |
Location: | 6A, Barton Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6RX
Comments due back by: 11th October Ward: Central |
Macclesfield Town Council planning committee would like the planning officer to check this isn’t contaminated land, that there is no asbestos in the garage and that this isn’t an infill development.
The committee also ask that the following polices from the Cheshire East Local Plan are checked:
- Policy HOU12- Amenity relating to:
- Loss of sunlight or daylight,
- Traffic generation, access and parking
- Policy HOU13- Residential standards.
Application No: | 23/3471M |
Proposal: | Proposed 4th floor extension to form 2no. additional apartments, including new roof terrace. New pergola and hot tub proposed to existing roof terrace |
Location: | Craven House, Lusso Macclesfield Serviced Apartments, Churchill Way, Macclesfield, SK11 6AY
Comments due back by: 18th October Ward: Central |
No objection
Application No: | 23/3503M |
Proposal: | Construction Of 2 No. Four Bedroom Detached Houses With Associated Drives And Landscaping. |
Location: | 185A, Whirley Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3JJ
Comments due back by: 18th October Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
Macclesfield Town Council planning committee would like the planning officer to check this isn’t overdevelopment of the piece of land and also ask that the following polices from the Cheshire East Local Plan are checked:
- Policy HOU12- Amenity relating to:
- Loss of sunlight or daylight,
- Traffic generation, access and parking
- Policy HOU13- Residential standards.
They also ask if this is green belt land?
Application No: | 23/3625M |
Proposal: | 1st floor side extension, front porch and single storey rear extension |
Location: | 25, Harvest Road, Macclesfield, SK10 2LH
Comments due back by: 25th October Ward: Tytherington |
No objection
Application No: | 23/3574M |
Proposal: | Proposed single storey front porch extension |
Location: | 19, Betchworth Way, Macclesfield, SK10 2PA
Comments due back by: 25th October Ward: Tytherington |
Macclesfield Town Council note that a decision has been made on this application before the last day for submitting comments date.
Application No: | 23/3553M |
Proposal: | Single storey flat roofed infill extension to rear. |
Location: | 43, Great King Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6PN
Comments due back by: 25th October Ward: Central |
No comment
Application No: | 23/3661M |
Proposal: | 1 No 15m Phase 5 Pole with 3 No antennas, 2 No 0.3m dishes and 3 No ground based equipment cabinets and ancillary developments |
Location: | Phone mast, London Road, Macclesfield
Comments due back by: 26th October Ward: South |
Resolved: Objection
Macclesfield Town Council planning committee object to the above application and would like the planning officer to take into consideration the points of policy INF8- telecommunications infrastructure, specifically
Point 1. ii. There will be no significant adverse impact on visual and residential amenity, or on … the wider area.
This is in a residential area, not far from where 2 previous applications (22/2082M & 22/4445M)) have been made and refused for the following reasons:
22/2082M- ‘The Council hereby REFUSES approval for the following reasons: 1. The new 15 metre mast and associated equipment proposed, by reason of its size, bulk, design, height and prominent position, would form an overly intrusive and visually dominant addition that would be harmful to the character and appearance of the area. This would be compounded by a disproportionate level of associated equipment resulting in an excessive level of street clutter, detrimental to the character and appearance of the public realm. The development is consequently considered to be contrary to policies Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy Policy SD2 and Macclesfield Borough Local Plan Saved Policies RT2 and DC60 and guidance in the National Planning Policy Framework.’
22/4445M- ‘The Council hereby REFUSES approval for the following reasons: 1. The new 15 metre mast and associated equipment proposed would be unnacceptable by reason of its siting and appearance due to its size, height, and prominent position and would subsequently contrary to Part 16 of Schedule 2 to the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended). The proposals would also be contrary to Policies SD1 (Sustainable Development In Cheshire East), SD2 (Sustainable Development Principles) and SE1 (Design) of the Cheshire East Local Plan Strategy and policies GEN1 (Design Principles), REC1 (Open Space Protection) and Policy INF8 (Telecommunications Infrastructure) of the Cheshire East Site Allocations and Development Plan Document, insofar as it relates to significant adverse impact on visual amenity and the character of the wider area.’
Application No: | 23/2885M |
Proposal: | Outline application for the demolition of derelict property and replacement with 4no. Townhouses. |
Location: | 1, Dales Place, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7LN
Comments due back by: 1st November Ward: East |
Macclesfield Town Council planning committee would like the planning officer to check Cheshire East Local Plan policies:
HOU12 relating to traffic generation, access and parking.
HOU11- 2. be in keeping with the scale, character and appearance of their surroundings and the local area,
Application No: | 23/3750M |
Proposal: | Single storey side and rear extension. |
Location: | 182, Oxford Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8JZ
Comments due back by: 25th October Ward: West and Ivy |
No objection
Application No: | 23/3702M |
Proposal: | Conversion of existing office building to residential apartments (resubmission of planning application reference 22/1223M) |
Location: | Marburae House, Athey Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6QU
Commenys due back by: 1st November Ward: Central |
Macclesfield Town Council planning committee would like the planning officer to check Cheshire East Local Plan:
- Policy HOU12- Amenity relating to:
- Loss of sunlight or daylight,
- Traffic generation, access and parking
- Policy HOU13- Residential Standards
The committee ask the planning officer to check health & safety regulations regarding fire escapes as there are no windows showing on the ground floor apartment plans. Consideration should also be considered in relation to the rooms sizes.
Application No: | 23/3714M |
Proposal: | Proposed First Floor Extension to existing rear single storey extension |
Location: | 43, Great King Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 6PN
Comments due back by: 26th October Ward: Central |
No comment
Application No: | 23/3746M |
Proposal: | Extensions and refurbishment |
Location: | 58, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7ED
Comments due back by: 8th November Ward: East |
No objection
Application No: | 23/3010M |
Proposal: | Removal of existing garages and outhouse, replacement garage and two storey rear extension |
Location: | 2, Delamere Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 2PW
Comments due back by: 8th November Ward: Hurdsfield |
For the above application Cllr Sarah Bennet- Wake left the room.
Macclesfield Town Council Planning Committee felt the application was hard to comment on as there was difficulty in understanding the plans. They note that access for other residents has been allowed for a period of time, does this not become ‘custom and practice’?
The Committee also ask the planning officer to check Cheshire East Local Plan policy:
- HOU12- Amenity- Loss of privacy
Application No: | 23/3760M |
Proposal: | Single storey front and rear extensions, part render existing house |
Location: | 30, Drummond Way, Macclesfield, SK10 4XJ
Comments due back by: 27th October Ward: Broken Cross and Upton |
No objection
Application No: | 23/3799M |
Proposal: | Single storey rear extension and garage conversion |
Location: | 132, Rugby Drive, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 2JF
Comments due back by: 31st October Ward: Tytherington |
No objection
7. Glow Up grant applications
7.1 The Clay Tea Rooms
The Planning committee approve this Glow Up grant application.
The Planning Committee approve this Glow up Grant application.
7.3 Cheshire Cat
The Planning Committee approve this Glow up Grant application.
7.4 Café Mustard
The Planning Committee approve this Glow Up Grant application.
7.5 James’ Kitchen
The Planning Committee approve this Glow Up Grant application.
7.6 Crompton Road Chippy
The Planning Committee do not approve the Crompton Road chippy sign as they feel there isn’t any change to the current sign but approve the funds for hanging baskets/ trough lighting.
8. Canal bridge 36
Cllr Mick Warren came to give an update on Canal Bridge 36. He has spoken with the Senior Architect from David Wilson homes. The canal access won’t be able to happen because of how long the gradient would have to be and they couldn’t see how you could get heavy machinery over the bridge to carry out such works. The Senior Architect from David Wilson homes is getting prices off his contractors to see about getting compacted ground works to go over the bridge to form a path from the Kings Park development over to Barracks Lane.
Cllr Mick Warren also had a meeting with Andrew Ramshall, Cheshire East Conservation Officer. He agreed that planning permission would be required but not listed building consent. He also couldn’t see a problem with removing the post in the middle of the bridge.
Next steps are to wait to hear back from the Senior Architect at David Wilson Homes and then meet with the Canal and River Trust about the updated plan.
9. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting
The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 15th November 2023 7pm, in Macclesfield Library.
Chair: Cllr Mike Hutchison
Clerk: Nicola Mellor
Closed: 20:21