Planning Committee

Planning Committee

Fri 11th Jun 2021, 10:00am

Responds to the planning applications within Macclesfield as a statutory consultee.

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Fri 11th Jun 2021, 10:00am

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Planning Committee

Macclesfield Town Council

Planning Committee Agenda 11th June 2021

Agenda for the meeting to be held on 11th June at 10am in Macclesfield Town Hall.

1. Apologies for Absence

2. Declarations of Interest

The meeting will be adjourned to invite public comments and questions. Following which the meeting will be reconvened.


If you would like to speak during public session, please email [email protected] by 12 noon on 09/06/21. Every practicable effort will be made to try and arrange your inclusion.

If you would like to submit a written statement, please submit your statement for inclusion and circulation to the committee to [email protected] by 12 noon on 09/06/21.

3. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting Held On 21st May 2021

Action: To consider the draft minutes as a true record of the meeting

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes

Action: To consider any matters arising from the minutes

5. Observations on Planning Applications

The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting and any delays in responses as they relate to all applications with response closing dates before the date of this meeting.

The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.

Application No: 21/2839M

Proposal: Prior Approval for The installation of 1No. 20m high Swann type A column, with 3No. antennas, 2No. 0.6m dishes, 2No. ground-based equipment cabinets, and ancillary development thereto. Installed on a 8.0m x 6.0m compound within 2.1m high palisade fence.

Location: land east of , Sherwood Road, Macclesfield

Application No: 21/2686M

Proposal: Proposed replacement of existing front and rear windows

Location: 97, Great King Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6PW

Application No: 21/2709M

Proposal: Single storey rear extension.

Location: 2, Lutyens Close, Macclesfield, SK10 3RX

Application No: 21/2575M

Proposal: Refurbishment of the existing ICU on the First Floor at Macclesfield General District Hospital. New plant enclosure and incoming services roof dormer. Extended A&E entrance canopy and replacement windows.

Location: Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, CHESHIRE, SK10 3BL

Application No: 21/2692M

Proposal: Proposed internal alterations including the demolition of 2no existing chimney breasts, and the addition of a dormer window and 2no rooflights to the rear of the dwelling and 2no rooflights to the front, and proposed demolition of existing rear bay window to be replaced with new conservatory.

Location: 47, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3JA

Application No: 21/2239M

Proposal: The proposed upgrade of an existing base station comprising of the removal of 6 no antenna and installation of 6 no antennas to be mounted on tripods, with internal works to existing cabinets and ancillary development thereto.

Location: Artillery House, Heapy Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7JB

Application No: 21/2682M

Proposal: Proposed Two-storey Side Extension to provide additional living accommodation + Internal Alterations.

Location: 17, Buckley Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6UH

Application No: 21/2549M

Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and replace with double-storey extension

Location: 14, Sherwood Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7RR

Application No: 21/2538M

Proposal: 1st floor extension over existing extension to rear of house, creating a larger bedroom.

Location: 6, Lavenham Close, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, SK10 2TS

Application No: 21/2800M

Proposal: Rear single storey extension

Location: 157, Whirley Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3JL

Application No: 21/2194M

Proposal: Alteration to shop frontage to replace existing window with fully opening doorset to create secondary entrance/exit

Location: 10, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BA

Application No: 21/2848M

Proposal: Demolition of existing rear conservatory and erection of new rear extension.

Location: 7, Betchworth Way, Macclesfield, SK10 2PA

Application No: 21/2834M

Proposal: Elevational alterations to include the refurbishments of the building entrances, replacement of all 1st and 2nd storey windows, removal of existing parapet and alterations to the rear courtyard elevations.

Location: 17-19, Market Place, Macclesfield, SK10 1EB

Application No: 21/2876M

Proposal: Single Storey rear and side extension

Location: 46, Bodmin Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3JU

Application No: 21/0519M

Proposal: New access, dropped kerbs, re-build existing boundary wall, enlarge existing access to road.

Location: 56, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield, SK11 7ED

Application No: 21/2548M

Proposal: Proposed new house

Location: Rear of 2 & 4 Southdown Close, Macclesfield, SK10 2JU

Application No: 21/2823M

Proposal: Proposed 2 storey front extension and single storey rear extension

Location: 124, Delamere Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 2PU

Application No: 21/2981M

Proposal: Proposed Single & Two Storey Front, Side & Rear Extensions

Location: 46, Cambridge Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8JW

Application No: 21/2898M

Proposal: Two storey side extension and alterations including extra parking on frontage and wider dropped kerb.

Location: 31, Lark Hall Crescent, Macclesfield, SK10 1QU

Application No: 21/2897M

Proposal: Double and single storey rear extension and alterations

Location: 64, Broken Cross, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8TZ

Application No: 21/2916M

Proposal: Listed building consent for change of use of Grade II Listed Building: Internal alterations to form 2no. apartments at first, second & third floor levels

Location: 12, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BA

Application No: 21/2915M

Proposal: Change of use of Grade II Listed Building: Internal alterations to form 2no. apartments at first, second & third floor levels

Location: 12, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BA

Application No: 21/2978M

Proposal: Proposed Two Storey Side Extension & Alterations

Location: 41, Westbury Drive, Macclesfield, SK11 8LJ

Application No: 21/2804M

Proposal: Sun lounge to rear elevation

Location: 15, Pexhill Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 3LP

Application No: 21/2905M

Proposal: Erection of 1No. detached dwelling including landscaping and car parking following demolition of existing garage and site clearance.

Location: 7, Eaton Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 7SD


6. Conservation Area Review

Action: To note the report and any further updates.

7. Town Character Assessment

Action: To note the report and any further updates.

8.  Planning Policy Consultation Working Group

Action: To ratify the minutes from 15th March 2021

9. Cheshire East Council Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document Consultation

Action: To consider a response to the consultation

10. Correspondence

10.1   21/1154M 53-55 Sunderland Street, Macclesfield

Action: To note the correspondence

10.2   21/2043M 3 John Street, Macclesfield

Action: To note the correspondence

11. Member Items


12. Date/Time and Place of Next Meeting

The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 2nd July 2021 10am, in Macclesfield Town Hall (to be confirmed).


Macclesfield Town Council

Planning Committee Minutes 11th June 2021

Minutes of the meeting held on 11th June at 10am in Macclesfield Town Hall.

In attendance:

  • Cllr Mike Hutchison
  • Cllr David Edwardes
  • Cllr Fiona Wilson
  • Cllr Sandy Livingstone
  • Cllr Lloyd Roberts

1. Apologies for Absence

Cllr Janet Jackson MBE

2. Declarations of Interest

Cllr Wilson declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 21/2839M as she lives on Sherwood Road, is an EE customer and is married to Cllr Puddicombe who spoke in the public session on this application.

Cllr Wilson declared a non-pecuniary interest in application 21/2549M as she lives on Sherwood Road. Cllr Wilson clarified that the applicant is not known to her.

Meeting adjournment for public comments.

A statement from Mr Towns was read out:

Objection related to Planning Application 21/2839M

1. The close proximity of Telecom Stations to residential property and population is recognised globally as a “Risk to Public Health” and is supported by many scientific papers e.g.(Khurna
The above proposal is 50 metres away from property and is being made ready for 5G addition in short time..5G has many unknown negative effects currently being assessed!
“You would not swim across a  possible crocodile loaded river because they might not be there?”
Why sleep beneath 5G because it might be OK?

2.The perceived benefit of locating the Telecom station as proposed is to improve signal strength on passing trains that  travel along a cutting for a few hundred metres.
Residents on the EE network close to the site receive adequate signal today.
Why disturb Nature in the form of wildlife and fauna and risk damage to human health for a short dip in signal on a train?


I fully understand benefits of new technology and believe communication is critical in society..
However,I believe more appropriate sites must be available and the possible risk to public health and effect on the surrounding area both population and nature suggests this application should be refused.

And as requested by Mr Towns a post from Khurana et al (2010) – Epidemiological Evidence for a Health Risk from Mobile Phone Base Stations

We looked at epidemiological studies of mobile phone base stations and found out that 8 out of 10 studies indicate increased prevalence of adverse neurobehavioral symptoms or cancer in populations living at distances < 500 meters from base stations.

“While the mechanism(s) by which base station EMFs might cause neurobehavioural symptoms remain(s) conjectural, it is notable that Science Magazine has recently acknowledged that there are several peer-reviewed papers from laboratories in at least seven countries showing that cell phone or similar LEMFs can, contrary to the expectations of such “non-ionizing” sources, damage or structurally modify DNA” [1].

Definitely, comprehensive epidemiological studies of longterm mobile phone base station exposure are urgently required to more definitively understand its health impact.

Cllr Puddicombe, who lives on Sherwood Road, spoke on application 21/2839M.

  • Expressed low confidence in the application as the address on the application pack is recorded inaccurately as Sherwood Drive.
  • Recognises the need for mobile phone infrastructure but this application is to improve the reception for users on trains coming in and out of Macclesfield station with the mast sited by the maximum number of residential properties.
  • All of the forty plus objections express concern on the possible adverse health effects for people living close to the masts. The mast could be sited a short distance down the line and be away from where people live.
  • In its current proposed location, the mast would ruin the outlook for a significant number of people currently enjoying uninterrupted views to Byrons Wood and the hills. They would also have to endure the constant low-level hum of the station.
  • There is an effect on trees and nature conservation. Vehicle access to the site would be over an ancient bridge.
  • Called-in the application to be decided by the Cheshire East Council Northern Planning Committee but it’s been refused and he’s in discussion with the Planning Officers on the grounds for this refusal.
  • Concluded by saying the application is unacceptable.

Mrs Towns spoke on application 21/2839M:

  • Concerned on the impact of the 20m mast trellis structure and concrete base on the houses. Their home overlooks grazing land and woodland that is supporting numerous wildlife.
  • In 2019, railtrack repaired and reinforced the bank of the River Bollin that runs through the wood with a chamber. The proposed construction site is next to the river chamber.
  • The residents in the area range from young children to adults, some with serious health conditions. There is a concern about emissions from the mast and ancillary equipment that is proposed.

Mr Tann spoke on application 21/2839M:

  • Recognises need for masts but there is an issue with the placement and positioning of this mast.
  • Objects to the application based on: visual effect on the local environment, effect on wildlife and health implications.
  • The mast is a 20m lattice structure situated in the corner of a field. The tallest trees in the woodland adjacent to the site are 16-17m high. The mast will be a dominant feature.
  • The installation includes an 8x6m compound with high fencing. The planting of trees around it won’t disguise the tower.
  • Unsightly and not in keeping with the area.
  • Current specification is 4G but in future may increase the coverage 5G, extending the installation and visual impact.
  • Emission of constant hum.
  • Close proximity to houses.
  • Increase of traffic on a narrow road with single point of access to the site.
  • The mast is in direct line of sight of several properties and will tower over roof lines.

The speakers were thanked and the meeting reconvened.

3. Minutes of the Planning Committee Meeting Held on 21st May 2021

RESOLVED:      That the minutes are approved as a true record of the meeting.

Cllr Roberts joined the meeting just prior to Item 3 and confirmed he had no declarations of interest.

4. Matters Arising From The Minutes


5. Observations On Planning Applications

The planning authority has been informed of the date of this meeting and any delays in responses as they relate to all applications with response closing dates before the date of this meeting.

The Planning Committee considers all applications it is notified of and returns comments to the Local Planning Authority (Cheshire East Council) unless it has no objections.

Application No: 21/2839M

Proposal: Prior Approval for The installation of 1No. 20m high Swann type A column, with 3No. antennas, 2No. 0.6m dishes, 2No. ground-based equipment cabinets, and ancillary development thereto. Installed on a 8.0m x 6.0m compound within 2.1m high palisade fence.

Location: land east of , Sherwood Road, Macclesfield

RESOLVED:               That the committee objects to this application on the grounds that it does not meet conditions of the following Cheshire East Council planning policies:

  1. Local Plan Strategy Policy SC 3, Health and Well Being; Ensuring all development is designed to create safe environments.
  2. Local Plan Strategy Policy SD 2, Sustainable Development Principles; Contribute positively to an area’s character and identity.
  3. Local Plan Strategy Policy SE 3, Biodiversity and Geodiversity; Development proposals which are likely to have a significant adverse impact on a site are not permitted except where the reasons for or benefits of the proposed development outweigh the impact of the development.
  4. Local Plan Strategy Policy SE 1, Design; Ensuring design solutions achieve a sense of place by protecting and enhancing the quality, distinctiveness and character of settlements.
  5. Macclesfield Borough Plan, saved Policy DC 3, Amenity; development, including changes of use, should not significantly injure the amenities of adjoining or nearby residential property, including noise.
  6. Local Plan Strategy Policy SE 4, Landscape; Protect and / or conserve the historical and ecological qualities of an area.

The committee acknowledged that mobile connectivity is required but that are a number of issues with this application:

  • The application form and documentation states the location as Sherwood Drive, not Sherwood Road,
  • Macclesfield Town Council did not receive correspondence on the consultation despite being listed as a pre-application consultee,
  • Pre-application consultation was sent to the MP for Congleton not Macclesfield,
  • There was no pre-application consultation with CEC and few residents received a consultation letter,
  • The mast is primarily for rail users to cover just a short distance of 400m where signal strength is perceived to be low for train commuters,
  • Planting to screen the 20m tall mast won’t mature for years,
  • The application has currently been refused for ‘call in’ for Cheshire East Council planning board scrutiny because it is a prior-approval application,
  • The application references the land as identified for development in the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (dated 2012) but the location is not identified for development in the more recently adopted Cheshire East Council Local Plan Strategy 2010 – 2030.

Application No: 21/2686M

Proposal: Proposed replacement of existing front and rear windows

Location: 97, Great King Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6PW

The committee raised no objections, welcoming the installation of timber windows, and noted the Conservation Officer had approved the application subject to materials used.

Application No: 21/2709M

Proposal: Single storey rear extension.

Location: 2, Lutyens Close, Macclesfield, SK10 3RX

No objections.

Application No: 21/2575M

Proposal: Refurbishment of the existing ICU on the First Floor at Macclesfield General District Hospital. New plant enclosure and incoming services roof dormer. Extended A&E entrance canopy and replacement windows.

Location: Macclesfield District General Hospital, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3BL

The committee support this application.

The committee also thanked the NHS workers.

Application No: 21/2692M

Proposal: Proposed internal alterations including the demolition of 2no existing chimney breasts, and the addition of a dormer window and 2no rooflights to the rear of the dwelling and 2no rooflights to the front, and proposed demolition of existing rear bay window to be replaced with new conservatory.

Location: 47, Victoria Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3JA

The committee raised no objections and noted the Conservation Officer had approved the application subject to materials used.

Application No: 21/2239M

Proposal: The proposed upgrade of an existing base station comprising of the removal of 6 no antenna and installation of 6 no antennas to be mounted on tripods, with internal works to existing cabinets and ancillary development thereto.

Location: Artillery House, Heapy Street, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7JB

No objections.

Application No: 21/2682M

Proposal: Proposed Two-storey Side Extension to provide additional living accommodation + Internal Alterations.

Location: 17, Buckley Street, Macclesfield, SK11 6UH

No objections.

Application No: 21/2549M

Proposal: Demolition of existing garage and replace with double-storey extension

Location: 14, Sherwood Road, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 7RR

No objections.

Application No: 21/2538M

Proposal: 1st floor extension over existing extension to rear of house, creating a larger bedroom.

Location: 6, Lavenham Close, Macclesfield, Macclesfield, SK10 2TS

No objections.

Application No: 21/2800M

Proposal: Rear single storey extension

Location: 157, Whirley Road, Macclesfield, SK10 3JL

No objections.

Application No: 21/2194M

Proposal: Alteration to shop frontage to replace existing window with fully opening doorset to create secondary entrance/exit

Location: 10, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BA

The committee noted the property is located in the Town Centre Conservation Area and that the replacement windows will be timber framed.

The committee support this application subject to the Conservation Officer’s approval.

Application No: 21/2848M

Proposal: Demolition of existing rear conservatory and erection of new rear extension.

Location: 7, Betchworth Way, Macclesfield, SK10 2PA

No objections.

Application No: 21/2834M

Proposal: Elevational alterations to include the refurbishments of the building entrances, replacement of all 1st and 2nd storey windows, removal of existing parapet and alterations to the rear courtyard elevations.

Location: 17-19, Market Place, Macclesfield, SK10 1EB

The committee raised no objections and noted the Conservation Officer had approved the application subject to materials used.

Application No: 21/2876M

Proposal: Single Storey rear and side extension

Location: 46, Bodmin Avenue, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK10 3JU

No objections.

Application No: 21/0519M

Proposal: New access, dropped kerbs, re-build existing boundary wall, enlarge existing access to road.

Location: 56, Blakelow Road, Macclesfield, SK11 7ED

The committee noted this application contained revised plans and at the Planning Committee meeting on 26/02/21 it had previously sought that the Planning Officer adequately addresses the neighbour’s concerns on lack of privacy and noise when making the planning decision.

The committee also noted that the Conservation Officer does not support this application due to the impact on the heritage value of the building.

RESOLVED:      That the committee objects to this application on the grounds of overlooking.

Application No: 21/2548M

Proposal: Proposed new house

Location: Rear of 2 & 4 Southdown Close, Macclesfield, SK10 2JU

The committee was unable to fully consider this application as not all the documents were accessible. The Cheshire East Council Planning department was contacted prior to the meeting but the issue has yet to be resolved.

The committee noted there is no clear owner of the land and sought this is addressed by the Planning Officer when considering the application.

Application No: 21/2823M

Proposal: Proposed 2 storey front extension and single storey rear extension

Location: 124, Delamere Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 2PU

No objections.

Application No: 21/2981M

Proposal: Proposed Single & Two Storey Front, Side & Rear Extensions

Location: 46, Cambridge Road, Macclesfield, SK11 8JW

No objections.

Application No: 21/2898M

Proposal: Two storey side extension and alterations including extra parking on frontage and wider dropped kerb.

Location: 31, Lark Hall Crescent, Macclesfield, SK10 1QU

No objections.

Application No: 21/2897M

Proposal: Double and single storey rear extension and alterations

Location: 64, Broken Cross, Macclesfield, Cheshire, SK11 8TZ

No objections.

Application No: 21/2916M

Proposal: Listed building consent for change of use of Grade II Listed Building: Internal alterations to form 2no. apartments at first, second & third floor levels

Location: 12, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BA

The committee support this application for in-town living and its contribution to town centre regeneration.

Application No: 21/2915M

Proposal: Change of use of Grade II Listed Building: Internal alterations to form 2no. apartments at first, second & third floor levels

Location: 12, Chestergate, Macclesfield, SK11 6BA

The committee support this application for in-town living and its contribution to town centre regeneration.

The committee noted the Conservation officer had approved this application subject to conditions.

Application No: 21/2978M

Proposal: Proposed Two Storey Side Extension & Alterations

Location: 41, Westbury Drive, Macclesfield, SK11 8LJ

No objections.

Application No: 21/2804M

Proposal: Sun lounge to rear elevation

Location: 15, Pexhill Drive, Macclesfield, SK10 3LP

No objections.

Application No: 21/2905M

Proposal: Erection of 1No. detached dwelling including landscaping and car parking following demolition of existing garage and site clearance.

Location: 7, Eaton Lane, Macclesfield, SK11 7SD

No objections.

6. Conservation Area Review

The report was noted and that the Town Centre Conservation Area Appraisal Management Plan is with Cheshire East Council for review.

7. Town Character Assessment

The report was noted.

A date will be scheduled for the following Members and Officers to evaluate the submitted quotes:

Cllr Mike Hutchison,

Cllr Fiona Wilson,

Cllr Janet Jackson MBE,

Town Clerk,

Admin & Governance Manager.

8. Planning Policy Consultation Working Group

RESOLVED:      That the minutes from the meeting of the Planning Policy Consultation Working Group held on 15/03/21 are ratified.

9. Cheshire East Council Biodiversity Net Gain Supplementary Planning Document Consultation

RESOLVED:     That the following is returned to the consultation:

Macclesfield Town Council welcomes the Biodiversity Net Gain SPD. The recent release of draft SPDs not only clarify policy but provide a detailed source of information on the area covered.

It is hoped that the BNG SPD will assist developers to achieve biodiversity net gain but a concern was raised on how Cheshire East Council will enforce it once the development is approved. How will the LPA ensure the delivery of the biodiversity net gain is as agreed and in proportion to the development?

Paragraph 9.12 and paragraph 9.13 indicate that the developer may be devolved of responsibility if they choose to fund a provider or the LPA.

9.22 would ease this process for developers whereas the onus should be placed on the developer to meet their responsibility.

The BNG SPD would benefit from including more detail on how to calculate biodiversity net gain, in the same way that advice is given on s106 Planning Agreements.

10. Correspondence

10.1   21/1154M 53-55 Sunderland Street, Macclesfield

The committee noted that the applicant had revised the dimensions of rooms in response to the Planning Committee’s comments on room sizes.

10.2   21/2043M 3 John Street, Macclesfield

The correspondence was noted.

11. Member Items


12. Date/Time And Place Of Next Meeting

The next Planning Committee meeting will take place on 2nd July 2021 10am, in Macclesfield Town Hall (to be confirmed).

Meeting closed at 11:29am

Chair:  Cllr Mike Hutchison

Clerk:   Harriet Worrell

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