Budget 2024/25

Budget 2024/25

The budget for 2024/25 was approved at the Full Council meeting on 11th December 2023.


22/23 Actual 23/24 Budget 24/25 Budget
Code Reserves £45,319
1176 Precept £984,083 £988,064 £1,229,673
Kick start funding £2,096 N/A N/A
1007 Interest £15,325 £4,000 £10,100
1001 Weston CC £5,000 £5,000 £5,000
1000 Allotments £1,096 £1,000 £1,107
NEW Pavilion Income £17,000
4000 Staffing £226,233 £250,000 £280,000
4005 Rent £12,000 £12,000 £25,000
4010 Photocopier £2,684 £3,500 £2,800
4011 Travel Expenses £76 £500 £200
4012 Mayoral Allowance £3,000 £3,500 £3,500
4013 Civic Events £4,670 £8,000 £8,000
4014 Training £551 £4,000 £3,000
4015 Postage £106 £500 £250
4016 IT £5,740 £4,000 £6,000
4018 Communications £7,836 £5,000 £8,000
4019 Equipment £402 £2,000 £6,000
4021 Accountancy Support £2,494 £2,500 £2,600
4022 Legal Advice £4,452 £6,000 £6,000
4023 HR and HS Support £1,600 £1,800 £2,000
4024 Subscriptions £190 £2,000 £500
4025 Insurance £4,563 £4,600 £6,000
4026 Stationary £603 £2,000 £1,250
4027 Catering £255 £0 £0
4080 Election Costs £15,125 £0 £0
4028 Bank Charges £296 £300 £300
4029 Room Hire £4,553 £5,000 £7,000
4054 Ward Budgets £5,412 £14,000 £14,000
4020 Audit £2,050 £2,800 £3,000
4031 Other Expenses £1,040 £0 £1,000
4032 Allotment Exp £2,182 £7,000 £7,000
4031 Weston CC £6,019 £2,000 £1,000
4050 Christmas Lights £33,302 £33,333 £33,333
4052 Christmas Lights Switch On £4,341 £10,000 £10,000
4061 Public Realm £28,038 £40,000 £40,000
4071 Town Ranger Service £110,233 £130,000 £136,000
4062 Floral Displays £39,468 £50,000 £50,000
4053 CCTV £32,461 £33,050 £35,447
4065 Projects and Events £49,583 £55,000 £60,000
4066 Community Enforcement £40,000 £40,000 £42,000
4058 Remembrance £6,029 £6,000 £6,000
4063 Youth Activity £7,100 £20,000 £20,000
4078 VIC £30,000 £30,000 £30,000
4072 Macclesfield Promotion £2,359 £5,000 £8,000
4064 Parks and Equipment £88,072 £100,000 £100,000
4073 Covid Recovery £2,518 £0 £0
4059 CAB £50,000 £50,000 £50,000
4057 Com Delivery £20,607 £20,000 £22,000
4074 Vol Sector SLA £9,994 £10,000 £10,000
4069 Move More Macc £3,821 £5,000 £8,000
4060 Barnaby Festival £10,000 £0 £0
Community Events/ Parade £7,500 £10,000 £12,000
4033 Planning Committee £1,009 £2,000 £2,000
4034 Planning Policy £4,710 £2,000 £2,000
4068 Grants £32,076 £45,000 £45,000
4084 Winter Saftey £0 £0 £0
4081 Town Centre Wifi £6,202 £4,000 £5,000
Special Projects £20,000
PW Loan Repayment £101,700
Silk Museum £20,000
£933,555 £1,043,383 £1,262,880
Income 2024/25 £1,262,880
Expense 2024/25 £1,262,880